It's been about a year since the idea of once again keeping up a blog came about, but in all honesty, this hasn't been updated as much as it should've been. I'm starting to wonder whether I should continue with this blog. I've been so busy and I wish that I could've documented everything that's happened. At the same time, and I know this is weird to say, I wonder if my thoughts and experiences are even worth documenting. I think this is one of the reasons why I haven't been able to keep up with one blog throughout these years. Even though all the thoughts I've sent out to the world are mine and mine alone, there's some part of me that feels like such a poser, as though I'm only doing things so that I feel like I'm part of something cool. I feel like I'm just imitating thoughts and art that I see instead of learning from them and creating something that is mine.
And so summer begins. This is really the first time in a while that I've been able to sit down and reflect with a keyboard and a piece of electronic paper.